It is disgusting to try play on it on domination and is far too open and easy to access. the left side from the ticket booths however is a shambles. Coming from the ticket booths the right side provides the cool broken ship and wall running section into the map but it is impossible to stay alive due to the other team having far more cover than you. The Middle section is well made with the water routes and two tunnels allowing multileveled entrances and a indoor tunnel in the middle to safely transfer you from one side to another (despite its on top of map glitch), but the other two sections of the map are fairly shoddy. 6/10 Splash is the most colourful map but falls flat on most gameplay. The middle section works pretty well however due to the wall running sides and it is hard but possible to completely flank the enemy by letting the propellers propel you across to the back of the ship but the indoor areas of the map allow for a clusterfluck of spawn killing and the map can be a pain on domination. 7/10 Skyjacked is a little too small for the faster paced gameplay of BO3 compared to BO2, and therefore falls pretty flat. Nevertheless, when it does work it is very, very fun. This map plays pretty sweetly if it does work, as it is far too easy to spawn trap the map and can therefore kill any enjoyment you may get out of it. The middle section is a death zone due to how many angles must be covered and therefore provides some real intense engagements, but the flanking routes are vast enough to easily counter enemies looking from the other side of the middle (especially the water route). 9/10 Rise provides very interesting gameplay when it does work.

It is more vast than the street district yet smaller than the snowy one, less directions to cover than the snowy map and more direct in approach as to where to look like the street district. The jungle area is hard to see through due to all the foliage and therefore must be passed through slower. there is plenty of ways to cross to the other side which makes it surprisingly easier to pass through the middle than the sides. The snowy section provides two different ledges in which you can fire across the bridge and plays in the most multileveled way of all terrains. There is also a corridor in the middle that can be used to evade fire. Basically, the Street side provides a corridor engagement similar to something we haven't seen since vacant in COD4, which can be overcomes if you want to push forward by wall running the top so you're harder to see. All game modes I have played so far work greatly. Gauntlet is an extremely well made map that provides numerous paths to follow and each path plays differently to make each engagement different. To Start with the Multiplayer maps I'll review each individually. To Start with the Multiplayer maps I'll review each I got this with the season pass so I would say a promising start to the dlc for sure. I got this with the season pass so I would say a promising start to the dlc for sure.